Duties Of The Chamber

In accordance with the requirements of Law no. 5174, the duties of the Chambers are identified as follows:
a) To protect and progress professional ethics, discipline and solidarity, to work for the progression of the commerce and industry in conformity with public interest.
b)To compile information and news regarding commerce and industry and to give them to the interested parties, to provide information requested by official authorities in accordance with the relevant laws and especially to provide any kind of information that may be required by the members during the performance of their work upon their request or to facilitate their members in acquiring such information, to take initiatives for guiding their members with regard to electronic commerce and internet networks, and to establish and put into practice the necessary infrastructure for these activities.
c) To make all kinds of research with regard to commerce and industry, to keep records of indexes and statistics concerning economical, commercial and industrial activities, to follow and record the market prices of the principal products and disseminate them through the appropriate means.
d)Prepare and approve the documents indicated in article 26.
e) To make offers, requests and applications to official authorities with regard to their professional activities; to file claims with a decision by the assembly on behalf of itself or its members, where filing such case is for the benefit of all or part of the members.
f) To determine commercial and industrial customs in their professional fields, to submit them to the Ministry for approval, and to announce them.
g) To take professional decisions with which the members are obliged to comply.
h) To participate in domestic and overseas fairs and expositions.
ı) When deemed necessary, to determine and approve the maximum price tariffs for goods and services for their members, as listed in article 125 of Law No. 507 on Craftsmen and Tradesmen, in compliance with the regulation that will be enacted by the Ministry.

NOTE: Articles j, k, l, m, n, o and p, which concern the Maritime Chambers of Commerce, have not been cited.
r)To perform the duties assigned by other relevant legislation and by the Union and the Ministry in accordance with the relevant Laws.
s) To keep the members’ record in accordance with the standards set out by the Union and to retain the documents with regard to the membership dues and to submit them to the Union if requested.
t)To carry out duties given to ministries or other public organizations and agencies through legislation, if such duties are submitted to chambers within the framework of the establishment objectives and duty areas indicated in this Law.
u) To supply the necessary documents to its members and render services in connection therewith.
v)To assess the applications to be made for domestic fairs and make proposals to the Union.
y) To examine consumer complaints regarding their members and to undertake other activities in line with their founding purposes.
z) To issue capacity reports for industrialists by the chambers of commerce and industry, and for those provinces where the commerce and industry chambers are separate, by the chamber of industry.

Within the framework of the legislative provisions, the chambers perform other duties as follows:
a) To establish or to participate in laboratories with a view to determining the quality of the commercial goods, to establish or participate in international calibration, testing laboratories, to render certification services.
b)With the permission and under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education, to open courses regarding commercial, maritime business and industry, to aid the courses that have already opened, to train students overseas or domestically for the required areas, and to provide trainees; to work on improvement and orientation of professional and technical education and training, to issue documents related to the said practices in the profession branches that are not covered by the Law No. 3308 on Professional Education, as limited with the offices of their members.
c)Upon the request of the relevant persons, to act as an arbitrator in commercial and industrial disputes and to form arbitration boards.
d)To participate in exhibitions, fairs, public warehouses, depots, museums and libraries that are already opened or will be opened.
e)To establish and manage industrial sites, industrial zones, organized industrial zones technology improvement zones, techno-parks, technology centers in places where the authorized Ministry finds appropriate; within the framework of Law No. 3218 on Free Zones, to be a founder and manager or only a manager of free zones, to operate warehouses and to establish and operate fair areas, congress centers and commercial centers or to participate in those already established.
Activities conducted within the framework of the tasks:
To fulfill its duties and responsibilities laid out by the law, our Chamber has continuously been aiming higher, and by expanding its vision and being one step ahead of the city, has been striving to carry our region to the future in every area. Taking into consideration that modern services meeting the necessities of our time can only be delivered in a modern environment that has a proper infrastructure and all the necessary equipment, a new chamber building was constructed. Thus, the aim to present the changing and improving face of Bucak to the world in the best possible way, has been met.
Our chamber strives to attend to the problems of its members in every area, and to find appropriate solutions. Principally, it gathers all kinds of information and data in order to prepare a robust infrastructure and to pave the way for entrepreneurs, relaying these to the relevant public authorities, and making the necessary applications. Aiming to establish a concept of high quality service, the Chamber strives to provide the highest quality service to its members in the fastest and most reliable manner.
In today’s technological environment where every task is undertaken through computers, a new and interactive web portal has been created in order for the tradesmen and industrialists of Bucak to become accustomed to this environment, to increase their technological skills and to ensure that they can easily access all the information they may need.
To open up the evolving, growing and developing industry of Kahramanmaraş to abroad, make consistent and high quality production and adopt the sustainable development model, joint projects are being developed and implemented with various domestic and overseas institutions. Joint projects are being carried out with various institutions, such as those for creating a qualified labor force with MEKSA Foundation, those for ensuring that the sectors open up abroad and overcome their marketing problems with the German Organization for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and those for supporting new entrepreneurs with KOSGEB and the ICC. On the other hand, in order to encourage the usage of natural energy resources and to reduce energy costs in rural areas, the project called “Demonstration of Biogas Production by Utilizing Animal Waste in Bucak” has been prepared and brought to the implementation stage.
Likewise, to identify new investment areas in our district and ensure investment diversity, meetings that underline the importance of fruit growing and agriculture are being held and advisory boards are being established.

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